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Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Personal Injury Claims?

Homeowners insurance does cover many common types of accidents because of the injury liability policy, although there are exceptions that you need to be aware of. 

Suppose an individual is injured on your property or home due to an accident or unintentional mishap. The liability portion of your homeowner’s insurance would generally cover any personal injury claims. Your policy will protect you in the event that the injured person files a personal injury lawsuit against you, and when they file a claim under your homeowner’s policy, this is called a “third party” claim. 

Liability Coverage

Your liability coverage will pay all of the injured person’s losses associated with the injury, which can include medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering and other damages. Payment will be made up to the limits of your coverage, so if you have $200,000 in liability insurance as part of your homeowners’ policy, your insurance would pay the injured person up to that amount. 

Most insurance claims will settle for an amount either at or below the policy limits. However, their claim may exceed the policy limits if the injured person suffers serious or permanent injuries. You would then be personally responsible for any amount above the coverage limit. It is possible for a homeowner’s insurance policy to have an “umbrella” provision in place in cases where the liability limits are exceeded, and this would provide you with extra protection in these kinds of situations. 

It is never a bad idea to have more coverage, even if your premium is a little higher, as you will have peace of mind. The higher your premium, the higher the liability coverage limit. Based on experience, our recommendation is to have a minimum of $2 million in liability coverage.

Homeowners Insurance and Injuries

Homeowner’s insurance may also cover attorney defence fees if you require a lawyer to deal with any lawsuits related to the underlying claim incident. This means you would not have to hire a lawyer and would not have to pay out of pocket for this expense as it would be covered under your claim. 

Most accidental incidents and injuries to visitors to your home will be covered under your policy, and most of these injuries will fall into the negligence category. For example, a slip and fall accident, would be governed by the legal concept of negligence, so the injured person would have to show that you failed to exercise reasonable care in keeping your property free of hazards. Some injuries, like a dog bite, may not need proof of negligence, and a person may be able to make a third-party claim under your homeowner’s policy without having to prove that you were at fault. 

It’s important to note that your homeowner’s policy will not cover injuries resulting from intentional acts on your part. If you were to assault someone on your property, they could sue you for their injuries, and your homeowner’s insurance coverage would likely not protect you. 

Having the right information is very important when it comes to home insurance or condo insurance as this can help you make informed decisions. The brokers at Leibel Insurance will provide you with every detail, and we will ensure you have the best coverage for your needs. If you have any questions regarding home insurance and personal injury claims or need more information, contact our team today!

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