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Leibel Insurance stops walk-ins, tells staff to work from home

As the cases of COVID-19 continue to grow in Canada, safety is our number one priority. We have stopped walk-ins and have told all of our employees to work from home as concerns of COVID-19 increase. On March 12th, we informed all of our clients that all transactions...

Condominium Rules Changes In Alberta

There are some new condominium changes in Alberta that you should be aware of. They are particularly big for condominium owners, who have been fighting for regulatory changes for nearly 18 years. The first is that because of the recent changes made to the province’s...

Top Things To Know About House Fires in Alberta

Prepare For A House Fire Extremely dangerous, house fires can wreak havoc on a home in minutes. Taking the proper precautions to prevent a fire from starting can save your family and your home. The best way to do so is to prepare and educate your family. Prepare and...

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