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Home Renovations that can Impact your home Insurance

Renovating your home is a wise investment as this can update your space and increase the value of your house. Renovations can, however, impact your home insurance as well, so this is something you need to be aware of in advance.  Renovations that will increase home...

How to Prevent Frozen Pipes this Winter

The cold weather can cause your pipes to freeze, which is very problematic because they can burst as a result. Water will expand when it freezes, and this extra pressure will cause your pipes to expand and rupture. Quite often it’s the pipes in your attic, basement,...

Why Does the Age of My House Affect Home Insurance Premiums?

Older homes are charming and beautiful, but if you consider investing in this type of property, you need to be aware that the age of a house will affect your insurance. The older a home, the higher your insurance premium will be. What Factors into My Home Insurance...

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