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Ways to Protect Your House from Flooding

No homeowner wants to deal with a flood as the damage can be severe, and the headaches may be endless. Once a home has been infiltrated by water, it could mean thousands of dollars in expenses as you will have to repair damaged parts of your home and possibly replacing expensive household items. You may also have to invest in special cleaning services to stop mould and mildew, so dealing with water damage is long and frustrating. 

Protecting your home against flooding is a must as this will safeguard its value, and the following tips will help prevent floods in your home:

Get a sump pump installed

Depending on the water table in your area, you should install a sump pump in low-lying areas of a home as this will pump water to the outside. These are often used to pump water out of basements where floods are likely to happen, and it is best to invest in a sump pump with a battery backup in case your power goes out. Optional battery power will allow you to use your sump pump even without electricity preventing further damages.

Apply flood-proofing coatings and sealants

These are available in most hardware stores, and can be applied around walls, windows, doorways, and the home’s foundation. These can help prevent water infiltration into your home, and flood water will not be able to leak into your house through any cracks. 

Inspect your water valves

All pipes entering your house must have valves to prevent a flooded sewage system from backing up into your home. Gate valves are ideal as they will give your home a better seal against flood pressure. A backflow valve will provide an extra layer of protection and can be located in the exterior or interior of your home.

Maintain your foundation

Any cracks in a home’s foundation must be sealed so take the time to inspect your foundation every year to ensure there are no signs of new or worsening cracks. 

Make sure your downspouts point away from your home. Your gutter runoff must be pointed away from your house, so you must ensure it is away from your home and in the right direction. Otherwise, it can pool at the corners of your house, and your basement may eventually experience leaks.

Raise electrical outlets and sensitive equipment

Keep light switches, sockets and electrical equipment elevated, and it is recommended that these be at least one foot above flood level to avoid any damage that can otherwise occur. 

Consider a flood sensor

This special alarm system will alert you about smaller leaks so that you can take action before they become big problems.

No matter how much you prepare, flooding can still occur at any time, which is why you need the best insurance coverage. In this regard, you can rely on our team here at Leibel Insurance because we specialize in home insurance—we will ensure you have the best coverage for your home, family, auto, and more. We have been helping homeowners for many years, so contact us today for more information!

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